Thursday, September 25, 2014

Yelwa town and tourist places

Yelwa town and tourist places

Yelwa town where the cool waters of the Sea of Marmara and the vast forests and stunning coast resorts and gives vitality and activity, and the effects
of historic palaces and castles and temples remain until eternity.


Sits the city of Yalova on the southeastern section of the Sea of Marmara and the northern facade of the arms of the mountain Samali, coastline extending for a distance of 10 km are performing natural Marmara Sea that surround the water department the northern and south-western city of Yalova and city Koji Eli from the east while the city of Bursa and Lake Camlik Fathdanha from the south .
the city of Yalova is a bridge land and sea between Istanbul and Izmir, Bursa, they are starting center trips a regular bus between the district and the surrounding cities, as well as trips by bus marine and yachts to each spend Tobjular and Lasky siege, in addition to trips sea and land regularly to all areas of Winnie Kabi and Pendik and cartel in Istanbul.
advantage of the weather in the territory of the city of Yalova that combines the Black Sea region and the Mediterranean is hot and dry most of the year, but warm and rainy in winter.
found archaeological remains found that the history of settlement in Yalova back to 3000 before Birth, signed under the control of the Hittites in 2000 BC and then subjected to the control of Paragon in 1200 BC and control Alkimrellar in 700 BC and later came under the control of Albuthaian.
dominated by the Romans in 74 BC, and stayed in the section of the Byzantine after the division of the empire Romania to the east and Western.
opened the Ottomans in 1303 and Binaaly order of the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, have been linked to the city of Istanbul in 1930.
demographic composition mixed by virtue of migration settlement, which took place from the Balkans after 1893, and consists of the families of Istanbul and the Crimea, Bulgaria and Dagestan and Auguslav, Romania, Greece, Circassians, Laz and Aljojin These groups have maintained their culture and heritage inherent was a beautiful example of harmony and coexistence of different cultures in one area.


Includes the city of Yalova following areas: 
tuna Ufa
is located on the edge of the coast is just 27 km from the province of Yalova, where the effects of old historical, such as bathrooms and water channels and the castle dates back to epochs different, and is the area Hillana Paul of settlement areas important in the region. 

coastal town small coastline extends for a distance of 37 km within 51 km from Yalova, held the resorts famous for its beaches clean. 

located just 17 ​​km from Yalova, and was called in the reign of the Byzantines Que any city in the fresh air, is one of the important tourist areas to embrace forest great beaches, hotels and accommodation centers in addition to historical monuments dating back to the state of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empire. 

Giftla koi
history stretches town Giftla koi located at a distance of 4 km from Yalova famous for its beaches and places of summer camps for ages too old, have been found on the remains of an important historical and graphics in the region dating back to the era Alhilanistica and Byzantine periods, fees and carved back to the first or second century depicting the Roman leader Velotimas. In the fourth century AD, was called on behalf of Pilara, has become in the era of the Byzantine Emperor Justianius Center summer earning them a special significance in that era. 

city receives thousands of tourists every year thanks to the resorts health famous and facilities tourist sophisticated and effects of historical, located at a distance of 12 km from Yalova.

When you visit Yalova must visit places of historical and cultural following:

Palace Museum Kemal Ataturk: ​​It was built in 1929 and is one of the old models of architecture at the beginning of the proclamation of the Republic.
palace Mobile: Palace is located on a farm Mallt on the edge of the sea, and is now used as an institution for the development of plants Field, was built pursuant to the order of Ataturk on 21 August-August 1929 style square two-story using wooden planks.
in one of the visits made ​​by Ataturk to the palace found the gardener trim the branches near the palace, and when asked why, he learned that the purpose behind cutting the branches is to protect the walls of the palace wooden ordered slide instead of allowing crop them and call it this name since that time.
Palace Thermal Ataturk was built this palace in 1929 in the area of Thermal, which have received particular attention from the leader Ataturk because its waters health and nature of the green. museum open displays a lot of residue historical epochs different from the surrounding areas of Yalova. Gobain AGENCY castle constructed era Byzantine.complex Herceg Zadeh Ahmed Pasha was built in the sixteenth century in the district of tuna Ufa, and consists of a mosque, bathroom and channels and a water tank. collector Rustam bash built by the commander Rustam Pasha during the reign of the Ottoman Empire , is still open for worship.vestibule back to the era of the Byzantine found during excavations in 1932, says popular mythology that it was built to win the satisfaction of the elves that were protecting water and Accommodation patients who hope for healing in the resorts.

cafe vow
according to the novel of the Byzantine Zunaras at age 11 after Birth, the Roman Emperor gave the sacrifice in this cafeteria before heading to a campaign of Iran. black churchwas built as a reservoir of water in the Roman era and transformed into a church during the reign of the Byzantine Empire. bath Korhonlo was called by that name because of coverage Qubbh plates of lead. bath mother built this bathroom In the fourth century by the Byzantine Emperor Kstntinos in the town of Yalova, fired at him this label after it was restored by the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Majid II and used by his mother's intent to cure. that the coast Ginargiu wasn koi and Armotalo beaches and camps and parks of the most important centers for recreation in the region to contain a lot of restaurants, hotels, entertainment centers, especially in the district of Ginargiu away from the center of Yalova 17 km away and is one of the important tourist centers in Turkey and the famous coastline and sandy public beaches and leisure trips.


Months of summer houses in the city of Yalova 

resort Aericle
is located 6 km from the town of Kogi Dora, is the perfect place to enjoy the beauty of nature and exercise hobby nature photography and recreation center of nature scenery.
resort Delmjh: Just 17 ​​km from the village Choikh, and is accessed via a dirt road covers areas plain vast breathtaking beauty is unusual where there are groups of dense pine trees and chestnuts and Alakhlamor, rice and poplar, which increases the beauty of the place and the presence of waterfalls proximity to the lake side Dabsaz Cole, which means the lake, which has no bottom because of the depth of extreme.
most important places Outdoors: Timberland Hassan Baba , the forest area in the town of Thermal, (the height of Qardfalr), recreational area in the village of demonstrative.
could sport mountain biking and walking in the forest areas surrounding mountain province of Yalova and longer track located in the resort Delmjh of the most important tracks, The Falls Sodohan located 8 km from the village of Aofazabarr it a destination for domestic and foreign tourists in the summer months, while the road between Armotalo and Yalova distance of 50 km is an invitation for the visitor hugging with nature. most important activities available in the province of Yalova mountaineering (mountain range Samaúly), tourism camps (Althabna and animated), fishing anglers, marine tourism and scuba diving and fishing spears and explore the plants and wildlife and hunting tourism land, sea and visit natural resorts in Thermal and Armotalo. The diversity of tribes that inhabited the province of Yalova gained culturally rich and diverse heritage considerable emerged through handicrafts, clothing, music and even food. constitute the industry Carpets manual silk for residents of the village Sogwauran and industry silver ornaments are handmade in the village of Goñi source of living for essential where exported to Istanbul and many European countries. , and are manufactured musical instrument, especially in this region using a cane trees Alakhlamor and trunk poplar known as Gomoz unforgettable Dear Zaúrtejrebh Food local natural eaters such as Pavel, Babar and soup, and eaters to a Huckaa and Chirpola and eaters Tatanga and Chubi, and desserts of the region such as the Yuba, Saluhto, The Mahbuallhom and fish, they can eat delicious dishes in restaurants on the slopes of the mountains and cliffs.


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