Monday, September 22, 2014

the most beautiful images Moroccan city of Meknes

beautiful images Moroccan city of Meknes 
beautiful images Moroccan city of Meknes 
beautiful images Moroccan city of Meknes

This city is located area of ​​farming fertile, at the crossroads of trade routes that were linking several destinations, making it a transit zone and stability since the Old Testament, especially in the Middle Ages where emerged as the name for the first time Khadharh, then in the modern era as the capital of the most prominent capitals, which have played an important role in the history of the Muslim West.

Has been associated with the name of the city of Meknes initially Zenata Amazigh tribes who settled in central Morocco and easy Sais and especially on the banks of the valley and Boufekrane Valley and Slane.
With the coming of marabouts city flourished, and some neighborhoods have emerged notably Almoravid Casbah "Takart" as carpenters built a mosque and surrounded the city wall at the end of their reign. The neighborhood, which is still there near a mosque built by carpenters stationed oldest neighborhoods of the city. 
characterized the city of Meknes Bashsaah area and the multiplicity of its historical buildings and walls where shrouded Mawla Ismail walls stretching along 40 kilometers, punctuated by a series of doors and Urban huge towers.

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