Sunday, September 7, 2014


  1. Located Oakecor 30 km from the city of Zman (Chefchaouen) north of Morocco close to Tangier and
 Tetouan where transport different and specialized in mountain roads, which connect to the tourist site Aqchor
 and through the way you discover the world of naturally extremely extravaganza collapsed small branching 
in directions Other different and make their mountains. Weir prevents the occurrence of Alviadhanat during 

This has become a park favorite destination for static North, especially the city of Tangier and Tetouan through the end of the week, in addition to some regular visitor arrivals from Casablanca and Rabat fleeing from the noise of the city, as is the case Balnsphlahd psychiatrists from the city of Casablanca, who is accustomed to come to the park every week and go later to Wade Lao Beach, which is not far from the park Oakecor only twenty kilometers.

Despite these possibilities vast natural that abound in this park natural, especially for fresh water and the beauty of landscapes there's still suffering from infrastructure fragile as a result of the seriousness of the road leading to it, which include 7 km all drilling serious and leaves a sharp pass them cars with difficulty not to mention the absence of tourism infrastructure is in hotels, cafes and rest spaces and children's games as a result of an aesthetic place that should have been included on the natural components of the park, especially since Chefchaouen is available on the city's urban forest park has been provided with various tourism potential such as coffee shops and museum spaces and a variety of

While neglecting been a huge natural park was supposed to be regaining the concerns of local authorities after he saw the province of Chefchaouen development of large tour after two visits to Lttin Tojta a series of development projects that have made the city a favorite tourist destination among tourists Moroccans after the decline in the number of Spanish tourists in recent years as a result of the economic crisis that affected much on these tourists, who flock in large numbers to the city of Chefchaouen, but that a large number of them have purchased a number of houses the old city neighborhoods.

And surprised by the number of visitors from neglect officials group Tlnpot of the labor for the park Oakecor especially since the distance leading to the park does not exceed 7 km away from the orbit of road towards the beach Wade if having been fixed regional road link between Wade if, Chefchaouen, which has become one of the roads Beach important that contributed to the decoder isolation after it has been repaired and Tchuirha well made ​​large numbers of cars crossed over the summer and during normal days after it was longer than in the past neglected coastal roads in northern Morocco.

He hopes many visitors to the association, which operates the park will cost at least fill drilling and extraction instead of the serious duties of entry of 10 dirhams without working to provide any service to Zoarhsp permit many visitors to the Moroccan newspaper events. And sees a Almnashan guides in the city that the reason for the influx of large numbers of visitors to the park and the city of Chefchaouen this year "due to the factor View many Moroccans to film Girls Lala Manana and Fatima Hussein, who conducted many of the Mshahdahma Pfdhaouat city of Chefchaouen and Nuahaha_khasossa house near the waterfall top of the water, which began heading to young people throughout the summer vacation and to this day, in order to take a commemorative photo Bbabh. Or one of the nearby valleys. "

Has contributed to the boom of tourism for this year in strengthening the economic fabric of the static result of development projects task especially human development projects of many of the projects of nature tourism, which played a major role in the fight against poverty and vulnerability and contribute to the improvement of income Ktahill many of the spaces of the city where there are many restaurants and hotels and guesthouses that have become filled to capacity throughout the year and especially during the weekend as a result of the influx of Moroccan tourists to enjoy fish dishes with a taste of the Mediterranean and Altazoz water Chefchaouen fresh, which is marketed by one of the investment companies that worked on the declaration of water in the city on the national level and in many exhibitions peasant Spain and Morocco.

And the establishment of more forms of the company with the associations Yatah especially Baspanyaksd benefit from the experience of development in the south as a result of similarity geographical nature and human resources between the two regions and the influx of a number of investors to the city, especially in the field of construction in addition to thinking in Deuteronomy national road between the city of Tetouan and Chefchaouen result of escalating numbers of vehicles en route from the cities of Tangier and Tetouan, Chefchaouen, which will contribute towards the social and economic development of the region. ".

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