Monday, September 8, 2014

Will the Arab tourism soon, "electronic"

Become modern techniques touched all the doors, and, of course, did not distance tourism sector away from them, leading to steeper trend towards the introduction of tourism in this era of electronic current, to the extent that we foresee the possibility to turn tourism something Trickle to become "tourism electronic", who would bring results amazing, so called for several quarters to go for the use of these technologies, and has already initiated some sectors of the tourism in this application.

Turning a letter AED

Out of this has Dubai Airports to participate strongly in GITEX 2008, which kicked off yesterday in the Dubai World Trade Centre and continue to the 23 of October of this wing special number D8-2 in Hall 8, exposure of the institution's achievements in the field of electronic services to support the business environment and achieve the aspirations of the Government of Dubai's economy, in addition to spreading awareness of the importance of handling mail and strengthen this deal for the benefit of the national economy and turn it into a knowledge-based economy as well as to inform the public on the quality of electronic services provided by the Dubai International Airport for its clients.

Has indicated the institution that more than 99% of its services are available online and include about 230 service provided by the site Dubai Airport and the institution at the present time, such as to identify the flight schedules and renewal of licenses of companies and booking hall of the Council and the renewal of security clearances and service private aviation and information functions and book parking and service weather monitoring and portal (airline services portal) allocated to the airlines used to Dubai Airport and currently numbering more than 120 company flies to 200 destinations around the world.

This allows portal which operate around the clock, more than 32 different services under one umbrella at breakneck speed and high accuracy, and include a list of services that can be obtained through this gate-mail service to identify the flight schedule and the Bills landing aircraft and the latest amendment to the flight schedules and find out Counter Check travel and authorized to change the type of aircraft and other vital services to airlines. And other services in order to maintain international confidence enjoyed by the Dubai Airport. The «Flight Information Centre» at Dubai International Airport, one of the best centers in the world where similar uses the best systems and devices in the field of flight information and provide it to the relevant bodies.

In this regard, Dubai International Airport achievement further, with the installation of 10 electronic gates new halls arrival and departure in the (building 1), bringing the total number of portals operating in it to 16 gate 10 of them in the arrivals hall and 6 in the Hall of departures, compared with 6 gates in the past.

E-tourism in Egypt

The application of this technology in Egypt in the field of tourism was announced Samir Farag, head of the Supreme Council for the shortest since the period from the end of work on a project wireless internet service to the tourist areas and floating hotels, in order to implement the service technology "Wi-Max" Telecom fixed with technology "Wi-Fi" special units to provide service-specific sites have been selected by the company executing in hotels and tourist sites in Internet cafes, to become the first city of Luxor is offering wireless Internet service in Egypt.
He Faraj that this project comes within the framework of keeping up with development to serve 6 thousand tourists a day; in implementation of the cooperation protocol, which was signed between the Ministry of Communications and the Supreme Council of the shortest for the implementation of the project and the Ministry of Communications, and USAID to implement wireless Internet service, where the project will be implemented as a pilot project free for 6 months, and after that will be circulated in all the areas that offer Internet services in Luxor.
He had stressed tourist expert Ismail Abaza, tourism consultant for USAID project, the importance of the Internet for the tourism sector in Egypt, pointing out that the Internet gives a competitive advantage not only for tourism companies and hotels, but for the tourism sector as a whole.

He pointed to the success of the team Abaza American aid in the delivery of this message to workers in the sector
Hotel, hoping to continue this success with tour companies.
Abaza said, the importance of access to information about travel to Egypt, have become necessities for tourists wanting to know information about the places that they would like had before planning their trips.

Council Arabic e-tourism

It was announced by the International Union of Electronic Tourism (Aioty) and the Arab Organization for Tourism for the establishment of "the Arab Council for Tourism E" through which cooperation by all means to disseminate the objectives of the Union in respect of culture and science of e-tourism in the Arab world.
Was confirmed by Mohammed Almuhaize chairman of the International Federation for Tourism electronic it through the Arab Tourism Organization, we can deliver services to all employees tourism industry regionally and attach them to the first union for tourism online and coordinate the work of tourism at the level of the Arab countries through the commitment of everyone honor charter binding for all EU members globally .

He explained: "create a link both sides kind of special cooperation in the field of tourism planning plays a key role in the development of Arab tourism at all levels. Our cooperation in the development of a plan for the development of tourism across the Internet will bring many opportunities devoid of any problems to keep the tourist markets better term term. "

And provides for cooperation between the two international organizations to join the Union Alaioti as a member of the Arab Organization for Tourism under the name of the Union of Arab e-tourism and benefit from consulting and various services provided in order to disseminate the goals and ideas of the two parties in the Arab world, as well as the exchange of experience between them and the two sides exchanged representatives at the main offices and branch in Arab countries.

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