Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cave of Hercules miracle Mediterranean

Site of the cave and characteristics

Considers cave "Hercules" near the city of Tangier largest caves Africa, where there are catacombs extend to a distance of 30 kilometers in the ground, and attracts the cave tourists and amateur Alastguar since its discovery in 1906, and the cave which Nantha nature in the belly of a high rocky oversees the Atlantic Ocean not far from the strait of Gibraltar, where joins waters of the Mediterranean waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and belong to the group of caves area Ohqar which date back settled to five thousand years BC, and through the terrace cafe upper tourists can watch the Bay of Tangier and the Straits of Gibraltar and the coast of Andalusia by the naked eye, while Shawwa be air .

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The cave of Hercules is a cave deep waves break upon the seawhen all D, and implemented it in the darkness of what visitors will quickly unfold until all slot under the light of a window of the mountain overlooking the waters of the Atlantic, and draw a map like a map of Africa .

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Ancient myth 

constitutes access to the cave is a world of uncertainty fueled by ancient legend about the history of the cave, which says that Africa was connected to Europe, and separates this region medium Sea Roman (Mediterranean) from the Sea of Darkness (Atlantic), and what was the Atlas son of Neptune's three daughters living in the grove poses apples golden and guarded by a monster, killer Hercules (son of Jupiter) and defeated him, but Hercules in the fury of Gillat conflict hit the mountain Vanhq to mingle waters of the Mediterranean blue waters of the Atlantic green, and separates Europe from Africa, then married Hercules son Sovakis to one of the daughters of Neptune to produce their marriage a daughter Pretty named it Tanjas, and from which came the name of the city of Tangier . 

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ancient history 

indicate the remnants of groves and buildings Tangier ancient forms of Romania, Andalusian and European, to the history of the area which left the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Arabs hooves of horses on them, in the year 707 AD opened Musa Bin Naseer and ran by Commander Tariq bin Ziad, who launched them crossing the strait, which took his name to open Andalusia in 711 AD, Vazm like the city and became its name called on Morocco Far whole after being shifted to the center of the bridge cross him convoys armies, scientists, writers, and anyone who would like to go to Andalusia, which was not separated from Tangier only 14 km across the sea. 
, and after the departure of the Arabs of Andalusia embraced Tangier immigrants Andalusians, they settled in and painted her sympathetically Andalusian delicate, then entered Tangier Circuit global conflict fell into the hands of the Portuguese, who they gave 1662 gift marriage of King Charles II, King of England from Catherine princess Portugal.

Authentic Arab heritage

Despite the succession of steps invaders and adventurers over its territory, remained Tangier, as they are, maintain the affiliation of the Arab, and maintained its record as a forum for cross-fertilization of ideas and currents, taking refuge in a lot of creators and celebrities the world, and have resided there and they have taken an appropriate place for their creations, among them Eugene Delacroix, Matisse, and Marc Twain, and Tennessee Williams, Paul Bowles, and Samuel Beckett, Jean Genie, and Anthony Quinn, and others. 

was Ibn Battuta months traveler Arabs He was born in Tangier in 1304 AD the best advocate for his city during his trips around the world.

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